Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (2025)

Apr 5, 2005
Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (1)
Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (2)
So the 1.5 patch got rid of the stupid shadows for me on PC Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (3) but reintroduced flickering textures Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (4). This game really hates nvidia sli, but otherwise I'm having just as much fun as in 3. I hate that you can't skip cutscenes, so much so that I've only just done the second golden path mission and no character side missions, yet all the outposts and their missions and bell towers are done. I'm going through all the missions with cutscenes now and I'm doing something else while they play. The storyline in this game is just as dumb as the last, although I'm not far enough to say if its "better" or worse overall than 3. The gameplay is so much fun you don't care.
#¿Dec 12, 2014 02:54
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Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (8)
#¿Oct 16, 2024 07:59
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Apr 5, 2005
Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (11)
Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (12)
Be glad you don't run an sli setup Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (13) the game was unplayable up until the 1.3 patch and even then only after copying the sli compatability bits from far cry 3 using nvidia inspector. Even then shadows were messed up and you couldn't do a thing at night time as the lighting/ ambient occlusion was so dark you couldn't see a person standing right in front of you. With the 1.5 patch the fixed the darkness problems but introduced flickering textures in some areas, a problem from release. I've been very disappointed with the constant issues with this game especially considering that I got a copy of far cry 3 free with my 2 670s and it was the only game that would run at 5760*1080 at Max settings right out the box. Most others you need to get a third party program or gently caress with .ini's, but with far cry 4 I can display at 5760*1080, but get 10fps no matter if I used lowest or highest settings Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (14) .
#¿Dec 14, 2014 23:21
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Apr 5, 2005
Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (18)
Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (19)

VendaGoat posted:

Latest Patch on the PC, Yogi and whogives a poo poo mission "hubbly bubbley" does not complete when I get my stuff. Anyone else having this problem?

Is that the tripping balls mission? cause I just played that last night on pc myself. It did take about 5 minutes after I'd got my gear back for the "mission complete" dialogue to appear but it did complete Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (20) .

vvv: now that you mention it, yes I've just gone to continue playing and I'm back at the last mission checkpoint.

rocket_Magnet fucked around with this message at 18:19 on Dec 16, 2014

#¿Dec 16, 2014 13:14
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Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (24)
Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (25)
Someone was asking earlier in the thread when is the earliest point you can grab a z93. My save got corrupted so had to restart ( i had like 4 missions left to go Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (26) )If you have the blood ruby dlc, you can go on its mission quite early on in the game, like immediately after the golden path mission where you save banapur. The soldiers up on the Himalayas use p416s and the snipers use z93s. I've only done 2 outposts so far the rest of them are going to be a whole easier now Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (27) , I also got all the snow leopard pelts i needed for satchels Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (28) .

I did Longinus' first mission immediately after it, the one that also sends you up the Himalayas, but I don't remember if the soldiers during that mission used the P416 & z93.

#¿Dec 27, 2014 10:00
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Apr 5, 2005
Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (32)
Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (33)
Jesus, why can't it be reach arena master rank 5 to unlock the bushman? I've tried out the app but you get gently caress all in the way of experience from it's matches as well. The thing that gave me the most xp was creating challenges for other players and them playing it. Someone go play my arena challenges so I can unlock this stupid loving gun already. uplay name r0cketm4gnet (because uplay is retarded and has locked me out of my old account).

edit: now I feel like a massive idiot Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (34), I had no idea you could fight those guys more than once, that makes things a lot easier.

rocket_Magnet fucked around with this message at 15:55 on Jan 2, 2015

#¿Jan 2, 2015 15:18
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Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (38)
Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (39)
So I'm down to like 3 outposts in the north and wanted to try stealthing one knife only. Normally i snipe everyone from afar or use animals so i've never tried to quiet and peronsal route. I'm glad i hadn't tried before because its loving enfuriating that if a guard so much as glimpses you, even if you murder him before he can even say anything every other fucker in the outpost immediately knows where you are. It's super obnoxious, how can they know? are the kyrati royal guard all telepaths or something? I'd noticed it the odd time before when popping heads from the hills with a silenced rifle. Pop a guard way out on his own and yet his buddy would find the body and immediately make a beeline for your general area, was never a major issue but my god it's one when trying to sneak through the outpost.
#¿Jan 6, 2015 23:36
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Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (43)
Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (44)
The icons only tell you animals might be in that area, there's no guarantee. I found it most commonly occurred with Rhinos but after like an hour of looking around the map at various locations that were supposed to have rhinos I gave up. Far easier to just pack a bow with you when you're doing stuff and murder the animal when you just come across it, I did some Amita mission and just as I was finishing up murdering the army I see the herd of 3 rhinos in the back ground. That was an interesting 10 minutes, but I took all 3 down with just arrows Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (45).

I'm also in love with the buzzer and the M79 I've can now manage to reliably hit whatever I want from the max flight ceiling of the buzzer. I took on a Pagan's Wrath convoy at 60m with 1 grenade, how I wish i was running shadowplay at the time. I'd never really been one to bother with shadowplay but this game has made me turn it on just to capture some of the funny poo poo that happens in Kyrat.

rocket_Magnet fucked around with this message at 12:33 on Jan 8, 2015

#¿Jan 8, 2015 12:01
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Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (49)
Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (50)

Oxxidation posted:

I switched off all the interface options and those arrows didn't go anywhere, so it's not under that menu at least.

In the map if you bring up the legend you can select what is displayed on the map. If you remove the all quest symbols from the map maybe that will remove the markers? I've yet to try it, but worth a try.
#¿Jan 10, 2015 20:23
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Apr 5, 2005
Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (54)
Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (55)
My biggest gripe with the game is putting the far and away best assault rifle in the game stuck behind a stupid loving mobile app. Seriously why the gently caress do this? branch out your lovely media platforms? Don't get me wrong it was good that ubi didn't charge for the arena master app, but for fucks sake, I don't think I could have bared unlocking the bushman without the app, it would have been a massive chore. I wasn't too fussed about doing it as I have a android phone, and a fair bit of free time when I'm in work, but gently caress unlocking it without the app. Holy poo poo it must take ages, considering the paltry XP you get for completing the "endless" or weapons trials in the game proper. I'm glad I unlocked it though because god drat, does that weapon own. Better accuracy, better damage, better scope, better fire rate than the warrior (that's the signature silenced AK isn't it?) is definitely worth it.

That and unskippable cut-scenes, the only ones I'd sit through were Longinus, and Willis, the rest I would alt tab out of and do something else, because honestly, I couldn't give a flying gently caress about the rest of the characters in this game, sabal, amita, yogi (these guys were the worst) or noore, were dull as gently caress to me. I found it infuriating to have to sit there and listen to these bland characters talk horseshit for 5 minute before I could continue blowing poo poo up.

I don't know why ubisoft insists on unskipable cut-scenes, it was the primary reason I never tried to replay far cry 3 even though I loved the game. It's also why I've only every gotten through the first hour of Assassin's Creed III and will never touch the series again.

TL;DR: Seriously waste the time to unlock the bushman, that gun is amazing. Buzzsaw be damned

#¿Jan 13, 2015 01:45
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Apr 5, 2005
Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (59)
Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (60)

Morter posted:

Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (61)

C'ya later, nerds.

(No not really, still going to play DLC)

You aren't max level in the arena yet. Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (62) it's 20 I think at least that's when the arena app stopped levelling me. I get a lot of free time in work Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (63)

Welp so it is, should've just opened the app before posting, my bad

rocket_Magnet fucked around with this message at 22:34 on Jan 19, 2015

#¿Jan 19, 2015 22:14
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Apr 5, 2005
Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (67)
Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (68)

Kameh posted:

I mainly do outposts and bell towers with my friend in coop. I've gotten maybe 11 outposts and bell towers unlocked. We did our first fortress, Varkushot?, and it was pretty awesome. I wanted to do another, but it was in a cloudy part of the map. I travelled until I got to "king's bridge," and the game told me to turn back because I was about to get wrecked. Is this a SP mission I need to finish up before I do more coop stuff?

If so, I guess I'll do more SP. It's not bad, but the coop is more fun to me. Also, we cleared the fortress but not as stealthily as we wanted. Are there only 4 fortresses in the whole game? Is there a way to reset them or do one again that I'm missing?

To unlock the northern part of the map you need to do several storyline missions primarily for amita, sabal, or the golden path till Willis missions show up. Then you need to do 3 or 4 missions for him then back to the golden path or amita/sabal till you get to a key to the north mission, that unlocks the north. I don't don't know why ubi insists on locking half the game world away till you do a bunch of missions, because it's completely unnecessary.

Have a look around for a mission guide and it will tell you what missions you need to do.

#¿Jan 20, 2015 17:57
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Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (73)

Kameh posted:

Has there been a John Wick game? Seems like there should be, right? Maybe not in a jungle setting, but "slaughter in the city with different vehicles" sounds a little too GTA to me.

Nope, but he got shoehorned into payday 2 as a playable character Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (74)
#¿Jan 25, 2015 16:48
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Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (78)
#¿Oct 16, 2024 07:59
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Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (81)
Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (82)

Haledjian posted:

Does the Bushmaster unlock via campaign progression or is it only through the Arena? I really want it but I don't find the Arena fun at all (or I'm bad at it)

Use the arena master app for android or iOS, you play the lovely mobile game and it increases your arena level in the pc game. It's how I got it anyway
#¿Aug 5, 2015 23:02
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Far Cry 4: Less white saviors, more jihadist elephants (2025)
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